The idea: Athletes from around the world would each complete the workouts from the comfort of their own city or town and submit their scores on the CrossFit Games website.
What's more is that the Open has been a way to track the collective progress of the community. From first pull-ups and muscle-ups to an increase in max loadings, the Open has shown that the community is getting fitter together.
Structurally, the Open is a series of workouts spaced across three weeks. Individuals can do the workouts from anywhere: their affiliates, at home, in a park, or even on a beach.
What is this app?
Other than logging your scores on, this is your one stop view for The Open at Timberhead CrossFit.
Under Leaderboard you will see a ranking of all Timberhead athletes registered for the Open through
When registration closes, you will see a new option Teams where you will see a summary and ranking of athletes on each respective team.
Teams will be randomly assigned and led by two captains, one coach and one member selected by the coach.
Each week, teams will have the ability to gain points via the following:
Open Scoring:
Takes the average of everybody's performance against their own division
Calculate athlete percentile per workout
Find sum of all athlete percentiles per workout then divide by number of athletes on team
Gauntlet Challenge:
This will be a random weekly challenge that will occur at Friday Night Lights where one selected team member will complete an assigned task.
Individual Points:
Submit score to = 1 point
Judge another athlete = 1 point
Wear team colors or participate in weekly spirit = 1 point
Weekly Raffle:
Raffle entries can be submitted between 5-6pm (1 pp).
The drawing will take place right after the 6:30pm class. You must be present to win.